Our Mission is to help people in the healing process after suffering the loss of a child, sibling, any family member or friend.
ALL of our services are FREE of Charge!
- All meetings and groups are overseen by our licensed grief counselors, Tina DiSalvo & Tricia Conlon. Meetings take place on weekdays evenings, afternoons and weekends. Tina’s cell is 954-330-3721 and Tricia’s is 561-676-6144
- Our Children and Sibling Support Groups are designed for young people, to assist them in dealing with the grief, pain and anguish associated with the loss of a brother/sister, parent, friend or relative. The number of groups and ages for the groups will range depending on the need and the demand. All groups are facilitated by a licensed grief counselor.
- Our Grief counselor’s will meet with individuals that need personal and private attention at Bobby’s Place in Coral Springs.
- We provide food, snacks, beverages, paper goods, etc.. to local and national grief workshops, seminars, grief service centers, The Compassionate Friends candle-lighting ceremonies within the state of Florida and beyond.
- Host grief workshops to educate the different stages of grief and how to deal with the emotions regarding it.
- Saving our money to purchase property to build Bobby’s Place of Tomorrow – a grief retreat for the whole family!
- Annual Angel Walk – one of the most fulfilling events we do all year round!
- We offer beautiful hand drawn “life” portraits for parents/guardians who have lost a child. These beautiful portraits are created by Mitch Carmody – true masterpieces that tell a story of the departed child. We offer our portrait services all throughout the United States.
- We have established The Bobby Resciniti Healing Hearts Scholarship fund. The scholarship is at Palm Beach State College for Criminal Justice students that have the same dream Bobby had – to be a Policeman, a Sheriff to be exact.
- Our foundation helps other similar causes and foundations with financial support when possible and if they meet our criteria.
Consider donating, your gift will help!
Our Vision
Bobby’s Place serves the community well. It is a place where families can go and start the healing process after suffering the terrible tragedy of losing a child. It is a safe haven for parents to go and meet our grief counselors and other parents traveling the same road.
Bobby’s Dad, Bob Resciniti has a vision for The Bobby Resciniti Healing Hearts Foundation. Imagine if you will, a place where families can go to share their grief with others that carry the same pain and anguish.
Our plan is to have 10 – 15 acres of land with beautiful trees, plants, gazebo’s, a chapel, Angel pavers leading to Angel benches throughout the decorated gardens. We want a place where people can meet, fellowship and bring hurting families together to help mend their broken hearts.
There is such a need for a “place to heal” for parents that lose a child or a sibling that loses a brother or sister. Grief comes in many shapes and sizes…there are no rules to grief as everyone heals differently. The Bobby Resciniti Healing Hearts Foundation is dedicated bringing a small amount of peace, hope and happiness to people with a broken heart.
Every hour of every day, another child leaves this world too soon, leaving behind – broken hearts and shattered dreams. ~Bob Resciniti
Together, we WILL make a difference!
Bobby’s Place of Tomorrow
Others Who Help
At The Bobby Resciniti Healing Hearts Foundation, we give our full support to any individual, group or organization that provides help to people that are hurting from losing a loved one, in particular — a child, brother or sister.
For example, we are providing support to a very talented singer and songwriter, Alan Pederson.
He lost his 18 year old daughter, Ashley in a car accident.
Currently, every song we are playing in our website are Alan Pederson’s – A Little Farther Down the Road, You, A Long Hard Fall, Memories, I Chase Butterflies, Daddy, How High is the Moon, That’s When I Think About You, Tonight I Hold This Candle, I Remember You, Celebrate The Children and Angels are Forever.
Please visit Alan’s website – Alan Pederson – EverAshley Music or Angels Across the USA
You can find out more about Alan and other people/organizations in our links page!
Another person that is a big part of our foundation is Mitch Carmody. He lost his son Kelly to cancer in 1978 at the young age of nine. Mitch turned his personal grief public by turning his entire life to helping the bereaved. He is the author of a wonderful book called, “Letters to My Son, a journey through grief”. He is an accomplished artist, creating the beautiful “20 faces of grief”. Mitch is one of the most sought after and highly regarded speakers on grief and healing. Mitch also does interruptive signing to music…
To learn more about Mitch and what he does, please visit his website at www.heartlightstudios.net

Please welcome Healing Hearts newest grief counselor – Licensed Therapist for our groups and individual counseling